Call for speakers for Unmanned Cargo Aircraft Conference

1st Edition, 11 February 2014, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

NaamloosA decade ago, unmanned aircraft were a virtually unknown phenomenon. Presently, thousands are in use worldwide, and the use for civil applications is growing very fast. One of those applications is Unmanned cargo transport, or Unmanned Cargo Aircraft (UCA).

If you have an interesting and enthousiastic presentation on unmanned cargo aircrafts, on topics like:

  • Aircraft manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • System developing
  • Airlining,
  • Regulation
  • Aircraft research
  • Air Cargo

and you want to present this at the Unmanned Cargo Aircraft Conference on February 11, 2014, please contact us with this form.

After we have received your form, we will come back to you on short notice.

If you are interested to exhibit, you can use the same form.

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