Jakajima announces technology / business workshops to start with Internet of Things on May 23

technology / business

Jakajima, with a long history in technology / business conferences and an extensive global network, has developed several one day workshops in close collaboration with professional partners. Target group for these workshops is either the management team of SMEs or individual professionals working at SMEs.

The speed of technology change is so high that many SMEs (Small Medium Sized Enterprises) have difficulty to follow. These changes have huge impact on the products / services, business models, partnerships, organisational issues and more.

If you are a CEO of your company and are thinking about which strategy you should follow related to new technology, disruptive business models and the like and you want to do this with your management team or you want some of you employees to participate, have a look at our workshops (see below), or contact us with this form for more options.

The first workshops will be on ‘Business Opportunities with the Internet of Things’.
There will be two different options:

  • For professionals : Business Opportunities with the Internet of Things:
    May 23, 2019, Location Eindhoven
  • For SME Management Teams: Business Opportunities with the Internet of Things
    Date and location by appointment.

The workshops have been given to several companies already, and have been developed in close collaboration with Joris Castermans of Castermans Connected.

If you want to know more and/or want to register, please go to the workshops page.

Jakajima has been organising Internet of Things and related events on technology / business for many years, see for instance here.

Other workshop topics will be announced soon.