The importance of the variety choice for vertical farming

jasper den besten

by Jasper den Besten, HAS University of Applied Sciences

Vertical farming is a young industry and only at the beginning of its product-life-cycle. Technical developments go fast within the horticulture sector and even faster in the world around us. The innovation hype of vertical farming is over, the industry is getter mature and making more and more sense businesswise. The presentation gives an impression of challenges and future chances for this new type of farming.



What drives you?

Passion for plants in high-tech surroundings

Why should the delegate attend your presentation?

No-nonsense overview of potential developments

What emerging technologies/trends do you see as having the greatest potential in the short and long run?

Short term technologies are improved LEDs, smarter climate management, vision/sensor technology and robots/automation.
Long term developments are machine learning and AI for vertical farming

What kind of impact do you expect them to have?

Short term impact is making vertical farming products more affordable, farms more profitable.
In the long run, farms produce (almost) automatically, without involvement of ‘green fingers’.

What are the barriers that might stand in the way?

No barriers, it just takes some time and money

“Special Quote”

Vertical farming is the best agricultural practice

About Jasper den Besten

Ir. Jasper den Besten (1956) graduated from Wageningen University in 1981 and started to work as a lecturer in the horticulture department at HAS University of applied sciences, Den Bosch, The Netherlands ( ) and nowadays as professor (Dutch: lector) in new cultivation systems. The vertical farming expertise started 10 years ago and resulted in a lot of knowledge and experience in a wide range of crops. HAS University has climate cells in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and HAS is co-founder of BrightBox Venlo ( ). Jasper den Besten is manager of BrightBox Venlo, member of the honorary board of the Association for Vertical Farming (

About HAS University of Applied Sciences

HAS University of Applied Sciences is the best educational and expertise Centre in the South of the Netherlands in the fields of Agro, Food and Environment at 2 locations in the Netherlands, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Venlo. HAS universities offers full-time bachelor courses, education/training of company staff and applied research for/with the industry.

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