The secrets of 3D Food Printing disclosed

nina hoff

by Nina Hoff, CEO and co-founder of byFlow

3D Food Printing is a technology that is out there since 2006. Since then, not only the technology but also the applications have evolved.

In this presentation, we will dive deeper into questions like: how mature is the 3D Food Printing market? What is the past and current status of the adaptation of the technology? And what are past and current applications? We will close the presentation with, byFlow’s view on promising applications for the future.



What drives you?

As an entrepreneur, I am always looking for new innovations in the market and how to make business out of it. With our team, we work on being the drivers of FoodTech innovation on a daily basis. It is so exciting to see an innovative idea come to live.

Why should the delegate attend your presentation?

3D Food Printing has been a hot topic for quite some years now, but there are still a lot of questions about applications an actual business models to embrace this technology in the Food Industry. As one of the leading 3D Food Printing companies in the world, byFlow will disclose the secrets that come with 3D Food Printing in the market and show the opportunities for Food companies.

What emerging technologies/trends do you see as having the greatest potential in the short and long run?

3D Food Printing is suitable for many applications, one of them is already out there, personalisation in the design of food. In the future, personalisation not only in design, but also in texture, taste and nutrients will become possible.

What kind of impact do you expect them to have?

3D Food Printing already makes a huge impact into the market, with many leading Food Multinationals embracing the technology. Truly personalising meals in the future, will have an impact in the daily lives of human beings.

What are the barriers that might stand in the way?

Regulation, cultural acceptance and the speed of the technology could slow down innovation and therefore market introduction.

“Special Quote

When you mix a dash of inspiration with a touch of technology, anything is possible!

About Nina Hoff

Nina Hoff is the CEO of byFlow – an innovative company specialized in 3D Food Printing. When in 2015 her brother, Floris Hoff, showed to her his own developed 3D Printer, she immediately saw business in the product and together with her brother and father, founded byFlow. As Nina has an educational background and prior experience in business & management, she decided to take the lead within the company. Since then, byFlow has opened up the 3D Food Printing market with their first product, a 3D Food Printer called “the Focus”, and has been constantly working towards growing the company.

About byFlow

At byFlow, we believe we can change the way people make and experience food, in a sustainable way. We do this with the best 3D Food Print technology in the world, enabling our customers to create personalized shapes, textures and flavors. Creativity, innovation and hard work are core values of us.

However, 3D Food Printing is not only about new shapes and food design. It is also on its way to find solutions for the increasing demand of personalized dieting, for the disquieting amount of food waste and for the necessity of sustainable development.

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