The role of a Digital Product Passport within Recycling

A digital product passport (DPP) is a type of digital identity for a product that contains information about its origin, composition, and lifecycle. It is a standardised digital record that accompanies a product throughout its entire journey, from manufacturing to disposal. It plays a significant role within the recycling industry.

A presentation by Mesbah Sabur, Founder of Circularise.

“Enabling a more sustainable future using technology to real impact at scale” is the driving force of Mesbah. He also states that Artificial Intelligence is going to be the most disruptive emerging technology of this time, those who embrace it will see massive productivity gains.

About Mesbah Sabur
Mesbah Sabur learned the value of hard work as an Afghan refugee, whose family sought asylum in his adopted homeland of the Netherlands when he was just 7. His can-do philosophy — and his belief that it’s tough to solve big problems from inside big companies — inspired the creation four years ago of Circularise. The digital technology startup is using blockchain to create a platform for sharing data across supply chains. The ambition is to improve transparency so that companies can move toward more circular production processes, starting with the plastics sector.

About Circularise
End-to-end Supply Chain Traceability holds the key to overcoming major challenges that society faces in the areas of Circular Economy, Environmental Pollution, Carbon Emissions.

But the race to Sustainability is held back by concerns around trust, privacy and confidentiality, as the available material data is often not accessible, proprietary or incomplete.

Circularise enables supply chain actors to share sensitive data without risking privacy and confidentiality.

To improve Resource Use, Verify Provenance, Conduct Carbon Footprint and Impact Assessments to unlock the potential of Circular Economy business models and to drive worldwide adoption with the help of a Digital Product Passport .

The Circularise Mission
Our values
We value privacy, transparency and sustainability. We do not feel that anyone should be the central authority of new transparent and circular supply chains.

That’s why we choose a public blockchain to support equality and trust among all supply chain actors.

Our mission
We created Circularise to radically shift the global economy to the circular model. We want to make it easier and more secure for people and organizations to exchange information about products and materials needed for sustainable living.

Mesbah Sabur is speaker at the 2023 edition of the Circular Chemistry Conference which takes place at the Center Court of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus.

2 thoughts on “The role of a Digital Product Passport within Recycling

  1. Jan Marek

    Our InoTEX -CZ private innovation and technology transfer company is specialized in textile wet processing and serch a.o. in the area of sustainability of resources – recycled/reused textiles (actually with only very low % of reuse of wastes). A resistant traceability of textiles to be easily recognised for the recycling/reuse process is one of existing bottlenecks. That´s reason why we are interested about your system of a digital pasport of textiles. Would be possible to send us more about your tool?
    Many thanks in advance Jan

    • justus hermans Post author

      Dear Jan,
      Why don’t you attend the conference and meet them in person?

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