Robotics in Vertical Farming

Victor Canton Ferrer will speak about benefits and challenges of using robotics in Vertical Farms combined with Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence


What drives you?

Provide real solutions that can have a real impact on humankind development attacking greave problems, such as hunger, desertization and sustainability

Why should the delegate attend your presentation?

Automation and precision farming are the biggest challenges in farming nowadays; we will share our experience and learning in trying to face those challenges

What emerging technologies/trends do you see as having the greatest potential in the short and long run?

In all sectors, digitalization has been the key to unlock a great growth. Agriculture is no different; by using IoT, automation and Data Science there will be great improvements.

What kind of impact do you expect them to have?

Maximize productivity, drastically reduce the need for pesticides and use just the required nutrients and water. With some luck, we will stop desertization processes.

What are the barriers that might stand in the way?

Economical pressures leads to unethical business that slow down the development of more sustainable ways of producing vegetables because they need more resources and efforts to be deployed

“Special Quote”

If we produce food, we should not harm the means to do it (earth, water, people’s health) so we can keep it doing forever

Victor Canton Ferrer is the Cofounder and CEO of ENKI Technologies, S.L. He has 17 years of experience in the electronic manufacturing industry. working in many departments, such as production, process engineering, IT, industrial engineering and innovation management. He has managed several local Industry 4.0 projects: Collaborative Robotics, Wearables, Virtual Reality, Digital Twin, Additive Manufacturing, Process Simulation and aAGVs. Recently cofounder of a robotic startup focussed automating vertical farms.

About ENKI Technologies, S.L.

We believe vertical farming will be critical to increase food production as the world’s population is projected to exceed 9 billion by 2050 and two out of every three people will live in urban areas. Our goal is to help our customers to create fully automated operations with no human interaction to reduce costs and to increase operative efficiency.

Victor Canton Ferrer will speak at the 2021 edition of the Vertical Farming Conference

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