Improving global terrestrial telecom networks using Space-grade FSO technology

Luis Pedro Oliveira

Free-space optics is going to be standard in inter-satellite communication, as it promises higher data rates over ultra long distances, when compared to radio frequency. Aircision is bringing Space-grade FSO technologies down to Earth, providing high bit rates (+10Gbps) over considerable distances (+5km). It is a solution that makes it economically viable for telecom operators to expand their coverage, increase network capacity (data rates) and reach more customers. Considering, 45% of worldwide population is still not connected to high-speed internet, our solution ultimately contributes to an increased access to information and education, and reduce the digital divide.

Interview with Luis Pedro Oliveira

What drives you?
Aircision is on a mission to address the digital divide – almost half of the worldwide population still does not have access to high-speed internet. By contributing to telecom networks expansion, from geographical and data transmission capacity perspectives, FSO will play a crucial role in connecting the world.

Why should the delegate attend your presentation?
The delegate should attend this presentation if interested in understanding the potential for FSO in improving telecommunications infrastructure.

What emerging technologies/trends do you see as having the greatest potential in the short and long run?
There is a continuous increasing demand for more and better connectivity. Increasing coverage (range of devices) and network capacity (bit rates) are crucial for telecom operators to reach more customers (individuals and enterprise) and increase their revenues.

There are technologies that will play an important role in the mid term that will allow higher and higher bit rates, such as integrated photonics. We are currently exploring collaborations with manufacturers of optical transceivers. The Dutch ecosystem is leading in this field.

What kind of impact do you expect them to have?
Telecommunications has been one of the key drivers for economic development. By improving telecom infrastructure, people and enterprises will be able to have more and better access to high-speed connectivity. Assuring worldwide coverage is an important step to the society, so that every single individual has access to information. But it also allows innovation in a wide number of sectors, such as Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing, or autonomous driving in Mobility.

What are the barriers that might stand in the way?
The telecom market is traditionally conservative in regards to hardware innovation, with long lead times for testing and implementation.

“Special Quote”
I am happy to participate in the OWC Conference 2021, as I believe OWC can have a strong contribution to a global connected society.

Luis Pedro Oliveira is the CEO of Aircision and will speak as Invited speaker at the 2021 edition of the Optical Wireless Communication Conference.

Aircision is powering the high-speed connected world, through optical wireless communication. The company is a startup based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, developing next generation free space optics (FSO) systems for use in backhaul within new telecom and enterprise networks. Our partners include Eindhoven Startup Alliance (which includes ASML and Philips), multinational telecom system integrators, global research institutes, universities and innovative manufacturers.

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