The importance of the variety choice for vertical farming

jasper den besten

by Jasper den Besten, HAS University of Applied Sciences

Choosing the correct variety is often underexposed in vertical farming. However, the differences between varieties are huge. The differences between varieties can be a factor 2 or more. Results of variety tests are limited accessible. Our basil varieties trial in Brightbox showed the importance of doing variety tests.

Jasper was a speaker at the 2020 edition of the Vertical Farming Conference

About HAS University of Applied Sciences

HAS University of Applied Sciences is the educational and expertise Centre in the South of the Netherlands.

We provide knowledge about the sector Agro, Food and Living Environment at 2 locations in the Netherlands, at Den Bosch and in Venlo.

1 thought on “The importance of the variety choice for vertical farming

  1. Ofer Ben-Mazia

    I wonder if phenotyping can be integrated into your research procedures, In light of the fact that you are looking for varieties to suit your growing needs.
    I invite you to visit our website:
    In September 2020 our system will be set at NPEC greenhouse (Wageningen University) as part of this phenotyping research facility.
    It will be appreciated to get a response from you.
    best regards, Ofer Ben-Mazia Customer Relations Manager at Plant-Ditech Ltd.

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