How to achieve 1 Tbps throughput over an 36000 km free-space optical link

For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, free-space optical (FSO) communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites provide a potential solution to overcome the limitations of RF links. Moving from RF to optical wavelengths increases the carrier frequency, the bandwidth and thereby the throughput with approximately 3 orders of magnitude.

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Moreover, the optical link will solve the issues with the limited RF spectrum availability, can be energy efficient due to highly directive antennas, and require smaller telescope sizes compared to RF beams. Furthermore, thanks to the high directivity of the proposed communication link it can be more secure than conventional RF feeder links. To enable optical feeder link technology and achieve the 1 Tbps throughput a number of technical challenges have to be overcome; Clouds hamper the transmission of optical signals, atmospheric turbulence distorts the optical beam, the high optical powers involved goes beyond present day technology and finally new technology needs to be compatible with the available infrastructure. TNO has developed a system concept that tackles each of these challenges and addresses the question. How to achieve 1 Tbps throughput over an 36000 km free-space optical link.

An invited speaker presentation by Wimar Klop, Senior Systems Engineer at TNO Opto-Mechatronics.

View of the Speaker

Question 1: What drives you?
Being at the frontier of technology developments and making the translation to real-world applications with commercial impact.

Question 2: Why should the delegate attend your presentation?
The European demand for broadband and secure connectivity anywhere has never been larger, emphasizing the societal and economic relevance of free space optical communication

Question 3: What emerging technologies / trends do you see as having the greatest potential in the short and long run?
Free space optical communication, potentially even n combination with quantum technologies is an emerging field in itself. In the field of free space optical communication, adaptive optics shall play a crucial role on the short term, which in the long term could be replaced by integrated photonics solutions.

Question 4: What kind of impact do you expect them to have?
Free space optical communication will enable broadband (secure) connectivity anywhere on the planet. Adaptive optics shall make this reliable and robust.

Question 5: What are the barriers that might stand in the way?
For free space optical communication especially for communicating from ground to space, technology is in the early phase of demonstration. Translating the technology to products that achieve high connectivity reliability under a broad range of environmental and operational conditions is key to make it an success. In addition system cost of especially adaptive optics due to pure components is high and needs to come down from a commercial perspective

About Wimar Klop
Wimar Klop has a educational background in Systems and Control and Embedded systems. Within TNO he has developed from mechatronics engineer to senior system engineer. The past years his main focus is on Free Space Optical communication and on Optical Ground Stations in particular. With specialized knowledge on Adaptive Optics he has been involved in developing a range op optical ground station concepts from a Terabit class feeder link up till a quantum key distribution systems.

About TNO Opto-Mechatronics
TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations. This is how we strengthen the competitiveness of companies and the welfare of society in a sustainable way.

Since 1932, it has been TNO’s mission to give the right answers – and to ask the right questions. This is how we work for welfare and prosperity. For the world of today and tomorrow. By combining disciplines and domains, we can tackle the most complex questions. On the road to a better life and a brighter future.

Wimar Klop is invited speaker at the 2022 edition of the Optical Wireless Communication Conference,

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