3D Food Printing @TNO – what’s happening


Ranging from scale up of the printing process to the creation of personalized nutrition, this presentation will provide an overview will be given of the latest developments in the area of 3D Food Printing taking place at TNO.

A presentation by Kjeld van Bommel, Sr. Consultant 3D Food and Pharma Printing at TNO.


Question 1: What drives you?
Helping companies to do things that have never been done before.

Question 2: Why should the delegate attend your presentation?
To see how 3D Food Printing is developing into a mature technology that can provide benefits to companies and consumers.

Question 3: What emerging technologies/trends do you see as having the greatest potential in the short and long run?
Linking the field of 3D Food Printing to other research areas.

Question 4: What kind of impact do you expect them to have?
Creation of personalized nutrition, printed meat analogues, and other new unique food products.

Question 5: What are the barriers that might stand in the way?
Production costs of food products when using the 3DP technology (but we’re working on it!)

About Kjeld van Bommel
He is Sr. Consultant 3D Food and Pharma Printing. Working in the field for over 10 years, Kjeld has been involved in 3D Food Printing from the start.
At TNO he and colleagues focus on all aspects of 3DFP, including equipment development, process research, formulation creation, and product design.

About TNO
TNO is the largest independent Dutch contract research organization.
With over 3000 researchers focusing on a wide range of topics TNO’s mission is to connect people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society in a sustainable way.
Having been active in the area of 3D food printing for over 10 years we are able to assist our partners in all aspects on this field.

Kjeld will be speaking at the 2021 edition of the 3D Food Printing Conference.

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