Advanced solvent-based technology for the closed-loop recycling of engineering plastics

Engineering plastics (e.g., ABS, PC and PMMA) have superior mechanical properties, such as strength and gloss. Therefore, they are primarily used in high-end products, such as electrical and electronic (E&E) devices and passenger cars. When it comes to end-of-life solutions, closed-loop recycling is often the only sustainable option for this group of plastics. This is mainly due to a lack of alternative product applications to absorb lower-grade recycled material in quantity. In turn, closed-loop recycling implies very high quality requirements on the recycled material to replace virgin resins.

Closed-loop recycling of engineering plastics, especially from post-use sources, is still in its infancy. This is mainly due to the complexity of numerous engineering plastics as a material (often representing blends of different polymer types, such as PC/ABS) and that of the waste streams where they mostly occur, e.g. E-waste. An additional difficulty is the presence of legacy additives, such as certain types of flame retardants in E-waste, the use of which is banned in the EU. Since mechanical recycling has no technological capabilities to remove flame retardants or other additives, plastic waste containing such additives is currently incinerated of landfilled.

Current recycling solutions largely rely on mechanical recycling that offers a partial solution for engineering plastic waste only. As a result, the recycled content of plastic parts in E&E devices and automobiles is currently less than 3%. On the other hand, the EU target is 24% to be achieved by 2030. We believe that this goal can only be achieved with the aid of advanced recycling techniques, such as solvent-based and chemical methods. In our view, the best results can be achieved by a proper combination with mechanical recycling methods. This paper discusses the opportunities of combining mechanical and solvent-based techniques for the recycling of complex waste streams, such as E-waste.

A presentation by Norbert Fraunholcz, CEO at ReSolved Technologies BV at the 2023 edition of the Circular Chemistry Conference.

The driving force for Norbert is the he has always felt an urge to clean up trash and has been attracted to finding solutions to difficult recycling problems.

In addition he thinks that the potential of solvent-based recycling in achieving a circular plastic supply is still underestimated and how it fits into the total picture is not well understood. He also believes that all known recycling methods (physical, chemical and biological) will play a role in the final technology mix for the recycling of plastics.

However, he expects large differences in their respective market shares for individual plastic types. I believe that the solvent-based method will play a key role for engineering plastics and PVC.

In addition he thinks that the potential of solvent-based recycling in achieving a circular plastic supply is still underestimated and how it fits into the total picture is not well understood.

Mix of recycling technologies
He also believes that all known recycling methods (physical, chemical and biological) will play a role in the final technology mix for the recycling of plastics.

However, he expects large differences in their respective market shares for individual plastic types. I believe that the solvent-based method will play a key role for engineering plastics and PVC.

About Norbert Fraunholcz
M.Sc. in minerals processing technology received from the Mining Academy of Freiberg, Germany in 1992.
PhD in separation technology of waste plastics received from the TU Delft, Netherlands in 1998.
Associated professor recycling technology at the TU Delft between 1996-2003.
Founder and CEO at Recycling Avenue BV between 2003-2020:

  • Consulting on technology, strategy and supply chain management in plastics recycling
  • Technical due diligence services for investors
    Lead Engineer Recycling at The Ocean Cleanup between 2013-2018
    Founder and CEO at ReSolved Technologies BV since 2020

About ReSolved Technologies BV
ReSolved Technologies is a startup company located on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen, The Netherlands. It was founded in December 2020 in order to further improve and implement its solvent-based technology for the recycling of engineering plastics and (soft) PVC. For more information go to the website.

Norbert Fraunholcz is speaker at the 2023 edition of the Circular Chemistry Conference which will take place at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus and organised by Jakajima.

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