ChipSense: A tiny Photonic sensor for material classification

MantiSpectra is a spinoff of the Eindhoven University of Technology providing spectral sensors capable of classifying and/or quantifying material composition just using light. The talk will focus on how near-infrared technology will open up new applications: from quality measurements in agriculture and raw material identification in recycling to mobile healthcare and chemical analysis in consumer devices, pervading soon our everyday life.

A presentation by Maurangelo Petruzzella, Managing Director at Mantispectra.

Maurangelo is driven by Innovation, pushing the boundaries of the Knoledge to solve societal problems!

According to him the emerging technology / trend with the greatest potential in the short and long run, is the Miniaturization of Photonic devices as key enabling technology which will have similar impact as Electronics.

About Maurangelo Petruzzella
Co-Founder of MantiSpectra. He obtained a Ph.D. cum laude in 2017 from TU/e and has eight years of experience in semiconductor nanofabrication. He was the recipient of the APL Photonics Luminary Award in 2019. While being a researcher at TU/e he was directly involved with the invention and implementation MantiSpectra’s core technology.
Since 2020 he has served as managing director of MantiSpectra, securing initial seed capital, acquiring leads and converting them into early adopters, defining vision and strategy, and leading the core team.

About Mantispectra
Provider of Near-Infrared spectral sensors capable of classifying and/or quantifying material composition Our core technology is based on high-performance detectors having selective wavelengths in the near-infrared region (850 -1700 nm). We provide have developed a standalone spectral module, the SpectraPod™, that allows users to take measurements and build predictive models exploiting advanced machine learning algorithms.
At MantiSpectra, we believe that integrating spectroscopy at a wafer level will open up new applications where volume is key: from quality measurements in agriculture and raw material identification in recycling to mobile healthcare and chemical analysis in consumer devices, pervading soon our everyday life. For more information go to the website.

Maurangelo Petruzzella is speaker at the 2023 edition of the Circular Chemistry Conference which will take place at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus and organised by Jakajima.

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