Smart Food Farming Expo welcomes Innoveins as Exhibitor


Smart Food Farming Expo welcomes Innoveins as Exhibitor. The Smart Food Farming Expo takes place on June 28-29, 2017, at Villa Flora, Venlo, The Netherlands.

About Innoveins
Innoveins is an ecosystem where agro and high-tech meet. Organizations co-create on innovations and together they release these novelties to the market. All business case driven innovations are realised in so-called ‘clusters’. In a cluster multiple parties innovate on a specific theme, such as seed technology, automated guided vehicles, smart soils, or indoor farming.

The ecosystem makes it easier to innovate easier, less expensive, and faster due to:

  • A partnership with multiple organisations with a different background, but the same mindset
  • A cooperation with other clusters, which causes acceleration and synergy
  • Access to a large network
  • Support of agro-, high-tech- and business-development-experts
  •  Marketing- and sales support

About Smart Food Farming Expo 
The Smart Food Farming Expo is part of the first global Innovative Food-Agri Event – a two-day event (Jun 28-29, 2017) that includes 4 dedicated conferences and an exhibition:

The expo will cover all topics presented at the conferences:

  • Technologies for Vertical Farming
  • Technologies for Smart Farming
  • Technologies for 3D Food Printing
  • Technologies for Healthy Nutrition
  • Patent issues
  • Legal / Regulatory issues
  • Investment opportunities
  • Research

The Smart Food Farming Expo is a dedicated and focused business and research platform, unique in bringing together European and global companies from the entire food industry chain: supply chain with customers, producers, retailers and researchers.


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