Unlocking New Frontiers: Photonics Innovations Transforming Satellite Payloads

Free space optical satellite communication after many decades of promise is here to stay with thousands of optical links now deployed. We present the optics and photonics technology state of the art for the next generation of high throughput Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite optical constellation networks.

December 2024, 5th edition

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An invited speaker presentation by David Mackey, CTO at MBRYONICS Ltd.

David is driven by innovation challenges and working with the people on the bleeding edge of technology frontiers, while he sees hybrid photonics packaging as enabler for the next leap in performance for communication.

About David Mackey
David is founder and CTO of MBRYONICS Ltd, a world leader in satellite free space optical communication and photonic integrated circuits. David is an Aerospace Engineer with a PhD in physics, his thesis focused on novel photonic adaptive optics systems for free space optical communication through the atmosphere and was supervised by Prof. Chris Dainty.
Upon completion of his thesis he founded MBRYONICS as the opportunity in satellite laser communications was once again gaining traction for satellite constellations.

MBRYONICS is a world leader in satellite free space optical communication leading innovation in fibre coupled, freeform optical antenna to maximise data throughput for the lowest mass and power. Fibre coupling also enables the use photonic integrated circuits allowing for low power, high throughput transceivers. Mbryonics HQ is based in the West Coast of Ireland where we design and manufacture the next generation of satellite and terrestrial optical antenna and transceivers.

For more information visit the website.

David Mackey is invited speaker at the 2023 edition of the Optical Wireless Communication Conference.