Recent Advances in Light-Based Wireless Networking

Security, energy efficiency, data density and aggregate data rates of up to 1 Tbps are some of the key performance indicators (KPIs) of 6G. The optical spectrum can meet these KPIs effectively. We will discuss existing challenges related to optical-to-electrical (OE) conversion efficiencies and explore system trade-offs arising from the inherent properties of light. Building on these insights, we will examine optical wireless systems capable of delivering aggregate data rates of 1 Tbps.

Additionally, we will illustrate how photovoltaic cells can serve dual roles: as energy harvesters and as detectors for optical wireless signals at Gbps speeds, laying the groundwork for sustainable wireless networks. Furthermore, we will provide an overview of the newly established IEEE 802.11bb LiFi standard, discussing current challenges and future directions within the 6G landscape.

December 2024, 5th edition

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An invited speaker presentation by Professor Harald Haas, University of Strathclyde/Glasgow

About Harald Haas
Professor Haas is a Distinguished Professor of Mobile Communications at The University of Strathclyde/Glasgow, and Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh. Prof Haas set up and co-founded pureLiFi. He currently is their Chief Scientific Officer. He has co-authored more than 600 conference and journal papers and holds more than 40 patents. He has been listed as highly cited researcher by Clarivate/Web of Science since 2017. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

About the LiFi Research and Development Centre (LRDC) at The University of Strathclyde / Glasgow
The University of Strathclyde (UStrath) is a leading international technological university. It is one of the UK’s top 20 universities for research intensity according to the Times Higher Education (THE) and it is the first university to receive the THE’s ‘UK University of the Year Award’ twice (2012 and 2019). UStrath is a member of CESAER, the European association of leading specialised and comprehensive universities of science and technology, and it is internationally recognised for its standing in applied research, technological innovation and university-business partnerships.

The LiFi Research and Development Centre (The Centre) is dedicated to accelerating the development of LiFi as a major global industry, through creating a pipeline for innovative ideas, technologies, products and partnerships.

The LiFi R&D Centre conducts internationally leading research in collaboration with, and on behalf of industry. It aims to accelerate society’s adoption of LiFi and emerging wireless technology through engagement with major industrial partners, to fully harness the commercial and innovative potential of LiFi, and to help establish a major new £5 billion ($8.5 billion) LiFi industry by 2018.

The UK based research and development centre was formed in 2013, and stems from research into fundamental communications science begun in 2002 that has now received in excess of £8 million ($13.5 million) of competitively won funding.

By facilitating collaboration between industry, internationally renowned experts from the University of Strathclyde, and other key research institutes around the world, the Centre is taking emerging LiFi technologies through into mainstream applications that will soon begin to impact on many aspects of the modern world. The Centre, with its partners and collaborators, will foster the wide spread market adoption of LiFi technologies.

The Centre continues to drive all aspects of LiFi communication from novel devices, through to the integration of LiFi access points in agile heterogeneous 5G and 6G networks enabled by emerging software defined networking (SDN) infrastructures.

Harald Haas is invited speaker at the 2022 edition of the Optical Wireless Communication Conference.