The importance of creating a scalable business with chemical recycling


A JakajimaTV interview with Jeroen Kelder, co-founder of Infinity Recycling.
Plastic production increased exponentially, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 488 million tons today. Production is expected to more than triple by 2050.

The linear consumption of plastic and the lack of appropriate recycling infrastructure has led to plastic waste swamping rivers and oceans. This has now become one of the world’s most pressing issues.

The rapidly increasing production of plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with the waste. Advancement in technologies will enable us to increase the mechanical recycling percentages, but more than 50% of the waste streams can never be mechanically recycled due to the chemical nature of plastics and the way in which we use it.

Advanced (or chemical) recycling brings the solution for these,
non recyclable waste streams, enabling a transformation from a linear economy to a sustainable circular economy.

Jeroen Kelder will be speaking at the Plastic Waste 2 Plastic Conference, November 2020

For more videos about sustainability go to Jakajima website.

About Jeroen Kelder

Well-rounded, multi-lingual banker with extensive experience in M&A execution and provision of debt and equity capital to European mid market companies. Successful track record of developing new circular economy ventures and supporting companies with their (international) expansion plans.
Strong domain expertise in financial accounting, credit analysis and capital markets. Successfully set-up new teams, led DD & integration of new acquisitions, developed new products and expanded into new markets.