Save the date: June 07-08, 2016 – Internet of Things Event

On June 7-8, 2016, the 5th edition of the Internet of Things Event will take place at High Tech Campus Eindhoven in The Netherlands.

Big data, wearable technology, connected devices, cloud-based software: the Internet of Things industry is still rising in a high-speed tempo. Which markets are changed or influenced by the growing IoT? How to secure the cloud? And what developments can we expect in the near future?

The event gives insights in the rapidly developing market, in new technologies and in how other businesses apply the new opportunities that are brought by IoT.

The previous edition of the Internet of Things Event took place on June 2nd 2015, at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The conference was an overwhelming success, attracting 400+ international delegates, speakers and sponsors, and provided great intellectual and social interaction for the participants.

A photo impression of the full-day conference – including exhibition and seminar – can be found here.

We are spreading news about Internet of Things topics and the Internet of Things Event on a regular basis. Stay up-to-date by following @iotevent on Twitter, or join our Facebook and Linkedin communities.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join this 2-day event! Enhance your experience, expand your network!

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