Looking back on the 4D Printing & Meta Materials Conference

On October 6th, 2015, The 4D Printing & Meta Materials Conference took place at AMOLF in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Looking back on last week, the conference was successful, attracting over 50 international delegates, and provided great intellectual and social interaction for the participants.

The seminar included a wide variety of topics around 4D Printing and meta materials. Speakers from Stratasys, Recreus, SupraPolix BV, Leiden Institute of Physics, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS), Eindhoven University of Technology, Institute of Applied Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Nottingham Trent University, TU Delft succeeded in inspiring the international attendees with their thorough and documented presentations.

A photo impression of the full-day conference can be found here.

We want to thank all speakers, partners and visitors for their presence.

We hope to see you again at the next edition of the 4D Printing & Meta Materials or one of the other conferences of Jakajima!

  • On January 26-27, 2016, the 3D Printing Materials Conference will take place at MECC Maastricht, in the Netherlands. The conference will deal with topics such as: Materials; metals, plastics/polymers, ceramics, Development of emerging materials (graphene, concrete, etc), Design rules, Value chains, Sustainability, Trends and market forecasts, Relationships between 3D printing processes and material options. Besides the conference, the event will also host an exhibition where several established companies as well as promising startups will show their innovative products and/or services.

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