IoT communication goes Photonic, via Li-Fi

A podcast on Internet of Things and Li-Fi as a warm-up for the IoT Event, 30 September on IoT and Li-Fi at High Tech Campus Eindhoven.

The Internet of Things (IoT) drives a rapid growth of the amount of data communication as tens of Billions of devices will communicate. Today’s IoT is predominantly narrowband. Yet, we also foresee increasing demands for communication at high Quality of Service, such as guaranteed high bit rates at low latency. A wide range of future IoT applications, i.e. flexible manufacturing, augmented reality and autonomous cars require the exchange of sensor and video data, processed in the cloud, while doing real-time remote control of autonomous devices.

Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) is very well positioned to provide high speed, latency-free communication for these applications. By networking multiple OWC-enabled access points, one can build a new mobile communication system integrated with lighting. At the moment, first generations of of Li-Fi system, based on visible or InfraRed LEDs are rolled out, based on the new ITU standard, but the potential for OWC goes much further. Read more


Listen to the podcast

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Li-Fi event takes place during the Photonics Applications Week, a week with many photonics related events, 30 September – 4 October 2019.

For more information about the IoT & Li-Fi Event and registration, go the the website. The IoT & Li-Fi Event is another Jakajima event.

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