Social & societal implications of IoT | Internet of People Event 2017

Internet of People Event

Social & societal implications of IoT | Internet of People Event 2017

The 2nd edition of the Internet of People Event [] organised by Jakajima will take place on October 3, 2017, at B.Amsterdam, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Internet of People Event is a half-day conference (13.00 to 18.00) about the social and societal implications of the Internet of Things, a human-centred approach of the digital world.

Speakers: Sjoerd Bakker, author of the book “From Luxury to Necessity”; Iohanna Nicenboim, Interaction Design Researcher, Delft University of Technology; Ellis Bartholomeus, Designer plus CPO (chief play officer), Internet of Elephants; Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Expert New Media / Digital Culture, Het Nieuwe Instituut / The New Institute; Tijmen Schep, Technology Critic and Privacy Designer, SETUP; Filippo Santoni de Sio, Assistant Professor Ethics of Technology, Faculty Technology, Business, and Management (TBM), Delft University of Technology.

Presentation titles: Technological Revolutions and Everyday LifeHow to keep robots under controlA City As Smart As Its CitizensInternet of ElephantsObjects/Subjects of Research?

Quotes from presentations:

  • Filippo Santoni de Sio, Assistant Professor Philosophy/Ethics of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Faculty TBM, on “How to keep robots under control”: Self-driving cars, healthcare robots, industrial robots, Military robots…Will they fulfil the promise to make our life easier and better or will they create more harm to humanity than the problems they will solve? The answer to this question ultimately depends on how we will design and use these robotic systems. In this talk I propose some principles to create robots that reflect the values we want them to promote.
  • Iohanna Nicenboim, Interaction Design Researcher, Delft University of Technology, on “Objects/Subjects of Research?”: Iohanna will present her critical design projects, speculating on some of the social and ethical implications of the Internet of Things. Through her last project, Objects of Research, she will explore our new role as humans in connected home, encouraging a critical reflection on the models of the Internet and the use of data in our daily lives. Finally, she will show some of the work she is doing at the Connected Everyday Lab at TUDelft, working within a Thing-centered design approach.
  • Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Researcher Digital Culture, Het Nieuwe Instituut / The New Institute, on “A City As Smart As Its Citizens”: The ideas of the smart city of the past decade were centered around the possibilites of data-capturing and -processing technologies in order to increase transparancy and efficiency of services. They did not pay a lot of attention to the social dimensions of cities. This focus has been subject to a huge shift. Today the challenge is to develop a smart society, centered around the needs (and desires) of citizens. Next to circular and efficient, a smart society should also be be social and inclusive. But what are the steps that need to be taken for a smart society to come into being?


Price: € 145,- (VAT excluded), regular attendees; € 65,- (VAT excluded) for students (limited no. of tickets)


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