PhotonHub is industry partner and Speaker partner of the Agrifood Innovation Event

Photonics – the science and technology of light – is a Key Digital Technology that is radically transforming the traditional industrial base, while being a valuable technology to supply safe, nutritious and affordable food for all and establish a sustainable value chain from farm to fork.  

4 December 2024
10th edition

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Farmers, food processors and consumers pursue to monitor and certify the safety, quality, content and origin of food, anytime and anywhere, requiring the development of ever more precise sensors and measuring devices. Photonics has proven to be a driving technology within the development of novel sensors, camera design, laser scanners and lighting. Applications include, but are not limited to, the monitoring of soil health, the prediction of protein levels in grain harvests, the ripeness evaluation of fruits, inspection of food packages, weed control and environmental sensing.

In order to accelerate the uptake of photonics technologies by European industry, and thereby help to boost competitiveness and to foster new business and business models, PhotonHub Europe has established a unique European full-service one-stop-shop Photonics Innovation Hub.

PhotonHub provides European photonics and non-photonics companies, in particular SMEs and mid-caps, with open access and guided orientation to a broad range of services and capabilities covering test-before-invest innovation support, training and upskilling opportunities, business support services and matchmaking.

PhotonHub will arrange several speakers talking about applications for agrifood, next to having a booth at the exhibit.

Start your innovation journey with our support today! Register your interest via the website.

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