Peak Insights from Speakers’ Presentations at Health Tech Event & Business Modelling & Strategies Summit for Healthcare

On November 23-24, 2015, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, in The Netherlands, will host a two-day event focused on Healthcare Strategies and Technology.

The event includes The Business Modelling and Strategies Summit for Healthcare and The HealthTech Event.

Insights from speakers’ presentations at The HealthTech Event:

  • Prof. dr. ir. Maarten Steinbuch, TU/e, about “High precision robotics for care and cure”: “In my keynote I will also be discussing perhaps the most challenging area we’re working on in health-tech. How can you build useful medical robots to assist surgeons perform the most of delicate of operations? It has taken a decade, but now Eindhoven has proven it leads the world in precision mechanics. It’s up to us to show what can be done. Our goal is to build a robot that can be more accurate than a surgeon”.
  • Tobias D. Gantner, HealthCare Futurists about “Why we need to empower patients”: “The main topic of this presentation speaks to disruptive and yet sustainable innovation in health-care that directly refers to patients and consumers benefits. Advances in technology push towards predictive medicine, which is rooted in big data (e.g. computer-generated biomarkers) and patient data-driven health-care. ‘In-Algorithmo-Diagnostics’ will be one of the main drivers that will make health-care ubiquitous and thus give rise to democratization of health-care in the future.”
  • Ramin Assadollahi, ExB Group, about “Healing with Data: How Big is beautiful?”: “How much is big? We all know the three Vs: Volume, Velocity and Variety. However, we at ExB have learned that it is not necessarily a fact that more data is helping more. To us it seems that the right data is more important than the amount. Furthermore, also the mix of data is important to achieve good results: ontologies, internal and external data often play together to yield good results. I will give some examples from textual and image data across different usage scenarios.”

Insights from speakers‘ presentations at The Business Modelling and Strategies Summit for Healthcare:

  • Roel Bellens, PIMS in the workshop “Hands-on business modelling”: Prof. Roel Bellens, Managing Director at PIMS will show his views and experience during the Business Modelling & Strategies Summit. He will dive into the do’s and don’ts in business modeling in the workshop “Hands-on business modelling”.
  • Nikolaas Bellens, partner at riverrun, will present during the Business Modelling & Strategies Summit: ‘Picking the audience’s brain – a collaborative poster session’

Don’t miss the opportunity to join this 2-day event! Enhance your experience, expand your network!

Register today! Registration is possible for the BMS Summit, Health Tech Event or the combination BMS Summit & Health Tech Event.

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