Philips Horticulture LED Solutions is Gold Partner

As a world leader in lighting, Philips LED Lighting understands that every business, animal, fish, greenhouse or vertical farm, is unique and needs a different solution. It believes that vertical farming is one of the answers that contributes to global food challenges. Together with its partners and customers it learned that growing fresh, high quality produce in a sustainable way without pesticides is possible in a profitable way! To accomplish that and improve the business of growers, it develops customized light recipes combining crop growth knowledge and LED technology.

4 December 2024
10th edition

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Grow your business with Philips LED grow lights
Natural light often falls short on giving crops what they need to grow and flourish. With Philips professional LED grow lights you can control many aspects of crop growth to get better business results. Whether you produce vegetables, fruits or flowers – in a greenhouse, vertical farm or other indoor facility – we offer a choice of the best LED grow lights for your specific crop. Our tried and tested horticulture LED grow lights can help you increase yields, quality and consistency of your crop.

Greenhouse led grow lights
Greenhouse growers around the world use Philips indoor grow lights to improve vegetable, fruit and floriculture crops. Whether you are looking to improve propagation, growth of young plants or commercial-scale yields, Philips offers the best LED grow lights and the GrowWise Control System to improve results for any situation. Our range of horticulture LED grow lights can be used for greenhouses with standard benches, high-wire set-ups, hydroponic systems and more.

Vertical farming led grow lights
Pioneers in vertical farming are leveraging Philips innovative LED grow lights to grow a range of crops indoors in climate-controlled facilities without sunlight. These facilities are ideal for propagating young plants, cultivating leafy greens, herbs and fruits, and rapidly developing new varieties of seeds. Philips offers a range of professional LED grow lights and the GrowWise Control System to help growers achieve higher yields on a smaller footprint and steer unique properties of crops, like enhanced flavor, nutritional value and shelf life.

Philips Horticulture LED Solutions will exhibit and will give two presentations, one on vertical farming and one on smart farming.

For more info go to the Website.

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