Presentations from related conferences!

Jakajima has been organizing conferences on 3D Food Printing, 3D Bioprinting, Healthy Nutrition and 3D Pharma Printing since 2015. At several of these conferences presentations were given on topics like cultured meat and meat alternatives in relation to the conference topic. On this page you can find out who spoke about what!


Ariette Matser, Senior scientist Sustainable Processing, Wageningen University, Food & Biobased Research, on ‘Plant protein structuring towards meat-analogues: new developments and challenges’ Read More

Peter Verstrate, Co-founder / COO, Mosa Meat, on “Cell-cultured meat: past, present and future developments”, Read more
Watch presentation

Nadine Bongaerts-Duportet, Ph.D., Senior Scientist Molecular Biology, GOURMEY, on “Reinventing meat to preserve our planet”, Read more

Sara Oliveira, Research Engineer, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, on “Boosting Foods with Additive Manufacturing: functionality, cultivated meats and scalability”, Read more
Watch presentation

Alvaro Goyanes, Co-Founder, FabRx Ltd / Lecturer University College London and Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, on “Use of 3D printing for therapy production in a clinical setting”, Read more
Watch presentation


Giuseppe Scionti, CEO & Founder, NOVAMEAT, Spain, on “3D printing the world’s first plant-based beefsteak”, More information


Mehmet Cicek, CEO, Fovation – Food & Innovation, Germany, on “More success by sustainability? How can life cycle assessments and the Dutch-German Food2020 programme support your company?”, More information


Catriona Lakemond, Assistant Professor Food Quality and Design Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, on “Insects as a sustainable food source”, More information;

Eric Michels, Project Leader Insects, Vivara / CJ Wildbird Foods Ltd., on “Insect Valley Europe as the beating heart of the European Insect Cultivation”, Read the interview; Download presentation


Anna Knäulein, Junior Scientist, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), about “Towards printing a meat-like structure using sustainable plant proteins”, Download presentation

Dr. Ir. Maarten Schutyser, Professor Food Process Engineering, Wageningen University, about “3D printing of filled protein-rich food structures”, Download presentation


Professor Mark J. Post, Chair of Physiology, Maastricht University
‘Medical technology to produce beef.’
More information

Find out who will be speaking at the upcoming edition of the Protein Transition Conference.

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