Press release: Global AgriFood Innovation Event in Venlo, The Netherlands, 3rd edition

AgriFood Innovation Event

The third edition of the global AgriFood Innovation Event – a two-day event (June 26-27, 2019) that includes 4 dedicated conferences, an expo, a 3D Food Printing workshop, lab tours and demo corners will take place next week in Venlo:

26 June 2019:

  • Vertical Farming Conference
  • Healthy Nutrition Conference
  • BrightBox Tour
  • MiFood Tour

27 June 2019:

  • 3D Food Printing Conference
  • Smart Farming Conference
  • Workshop ‘3D Food Printing Farm’

A cross selection of the speakers for the four conferences show the high level of the knowledge and expertise presented. Maartje van den Berg, Rabobank, Wythe Marschall, Harvard University, Luca Simone Cocolin, University of Torino, Mathijs de Schipper, TNO, Lieven De Maesschalck, Thomas More, Celine C.S. Nicole, Signify, Nina Hoff, byFlow.

A selection of presentation titles: What do Greenhouses and Datacenters have in common? | Towards personalized nutrition with 3D food printing| 3D printing the world’s first plant-based beefsteak | AI & Data Science in Personalised Nutrition | Laser cooking | Sensor technology in dairy farming | Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence in Livestock Production | Sky high nutrition content in food production in vertical farming.

For more information about the event, we invite you to visit:

The event is organised by Jakajima and hosted by Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo. If you want more information or want to get a press ticket, please contact us via this form

_______________________________________________________________________AAbout Jakajima

Jakajima is the matchmaker for innovators in the high tech industry, ranging from 3D printing to Internet of Things, from Drones to Health Tech. We organize those activities that bring innovators from different value chains and different professions together, in order to endeavour innovations and to create new partnerships, products and/or services.