Agri-Food Innovation Event welcomes AgriFoodTech Platform as Bronze Partner

Agri-Food Innovation Event welcomes AgriFoodTech Platform as Bronze Partner. The event takes place on 27-28 June 2018 at the Brightlands Campus , Venlo, The Netherlands.

About AgriFoodTech Platform
Moore’s Law is well-known amongst everyone with the slightest bit of interest in technology and technological advancement. Technology will develop and progression will be made and it will be fast. But can society cope with this pace and do new technologies actually enter the market and get adopted to really become a disruptive innovation? When combining technology with food production, one enters a domain where different laws apply. Society, e.g. the general public, has a stronger opinion about agriculture, horticulture, food processing and the retail landscape than they have on football. Therefore, having an open dialogue on AgriFoodTech is important to increase awareness and public support for these advancements. The AgriFoodTech Platform has the goal to facilitate the dialogue between society, NGO’s, business, research, education and the government. Bringing these parties together improves mutual understanding for each point of view. It can help businesses to understand the needs of society, in such that shared value is created. As a very important bycatch, these cross-overs between sectors and different organisations sparks new ideas for innovation.

About Agrifood Innovation Event
The Agrifood Innovation Event is a dedicated and focused business and research platform, unique in bringing together European and global companies from the entire food industry chain: supply chain with customers, producers, retailers and researchers.

The Agrifood Innovation Event is a two-day Event (June 27-28, 2018) that includes 4 dedicated conferences and an expo.

Day 1: June 27, 2018 Day 2: June 28, 2018
Healthy Nutrition Conference Vertical Farming Conference 3D Food Printing Conference Smart Farming Conference
  • Smart & Healthy Ingredients
  • Sustainable Food Manufacturing
  • Protein Transition (e.g. insects and seaweed)
  • Food design
  • Innovative technologies for Healthy Nutrition
  • Available technologies – LED lighting, sensors, AI
  • From traditional farmer to vertical farmer
  • Robotics
  • Improved resource-use efficiency
  • Sustainable Buildings (design, green roof, energy)
  • Technologies for 3D Food Printing
  • Ingredients for 3D Food Printing
  • Patent issues
  • Legal issues
  • Regulatory issues
  • Investment opportunities
  • Research and development
  • Available technologies for Farming 4.0 – drones, sensors, Internet of Things, Robotics, etc
  • Precision agriculture
  • Precision Livestock Farming
  • Plant and crop science for improved resource-use
  • Investment in R&D
  • Cross disciplinary themes
Networking dinner


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