New portable fluorescence spectrometer coupled with machine learning capabilities

Fluorescence spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful tool in analytical chemistry, enabling the sensitive and selective detection of various compounds in diverse fields, such as environmental monitoring, biomedical diagnostics, and agri/agro industry.

The integration of portable fluorescence spectroscopy with machine learning algorithms has significantly advanced analytical capabilities by enhancing data analysis, interpretation, and prediction on the field for industrials.

4 December 2024
10th edition

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A presentation by Ludovic Guilbert, Business Development at GoyaLab.

Ludovic sees as emerging technology with great potential machine learning and AI coupled with photonic sensors.

About Goyalab
GoyaLab is a startup from the ALPhANOV Technology Center, a member of the French competitiveness cluster ALPHA-Route des Lasers & Hyperfréquences.

It designs, develops market measurement tools based on spectrometry. Moreover, it provides its expertise in Research and Development serving industry in the development of specific applications in spectrometry.
The story of GoyaLab, expert in spectrometry

In 2016, Arnaud Zoubir, PhD in Optics, realizes that modern smartphones and tablets have a camera and computing power compatible with spectrometric analysis in the visible.

Then, he then convinced his employer, Technological Center ALPhANOV to invest in the production of an handheld spectrometer prototype, connected to a smartphone.

Thomas Kuntzel, Engineer, joins the project to perform this development.

After several months of research, the first GoSpectro is launched on the market together with the filing of two patents.

In 2018, GoyaLab signs a technology transfer agreement with ALPhANOV for manufacturing, development and worldwide commercialization of GoSpectro and its future versions.

In 2020, GoyaLab launched the IndiGo, a compact, connected spectrometer, revolutionary in its modularity for multiple use cases. The IndiGo is at the same time, a visible spectrometer of scientific quality, a fluorescence spectrometer and a spectrophotometer for analyzis of absorption, concentration ….

In 2021 and on the strength of its first commercial successes, GoyaLab is in the process of developing an ultra-portable Raman spectrometer. Development continues….

Our vision
The power of spectroscopy accessible to all. Democratize and desacralize spectroscopy.

For more information go to the website.

Ludovic Guilbert will speak at the 2023 edition of the Agrifood Innovation Event.