MiFood lab tour during AgriFood Innovation Event 2019

MiFood lab tour – On June 26, MiFood will open its Nutritional Concepts Lab doors during AgriFood Innovation Event 2019.

The company MiFood has the objective to promote individual health of healthy people against the various welfare diseases. This is done by developing and selling additional fruits and vegetable mixes, in both dry and wet form.

The research and development activities take place in the Nutritional Concepts Lab at the Brightland Campus Healthy en save Food in Venlo, where the necessary equipment is available.

The healthy bioactive substances in the starting material are retained as much as possible during processing. Therefore the product temperature does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. The machinery in the NCL has many options such as:

  • vacuum drying,
  • intensive mixing,
  • vacuum coating,
  • ……

To demonstrate the effect of these substances scientifically, in March 2019 a three-year human intervention study was started in collaboration with Maastricht University with 200 consumers.

During the event MiFood will open the doors of the NCL for two groups of 8 people. It is therefore important to register in time for them.

The tours will take place on June 26 during the lunch break between 12:45 – 13:45 . There will be two consecutive tours of maximum 8 people. Meeting point registration desk. FULLY BOOKED

1 thought on “MiFood lab tour during AgriFood Innovation Event 2019

  1. Wolfgang Heinzl

    I´d like to participate in the MiFood Tour, but I cannot register for it, since I don´t see how to enter my previous registration for adding the tour. I have bought my ticket already in November 2018.
    The invoice number is: WEB20180451

    Have I overlooked something?

    Best regards
    Wolfgang Heinzl

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