CECIMO partner of the 3D Printing Material Conference in Maastricht next January

Additive manufacturing technologies embrace multiple applications, spread across a very wide user base. The ongoing development of new materials impacts on the quality of end products, opens new markets and has a positive influence on the price level of materials used. The future development of the sector will depend on the type and the quality of materials responding to the needs of each application.

CecimoCECIMO will directly support the organisers of the 3D Printing Materials Conference’s second edition, to be held on 27 January 2015 at MECC – Forum 100, in Maastricht (Netherlands) in the selection of speakers and the management of the session on metals. Other break-out sessions will cover plastics/polymers, ceramics, concrete, emerging materials, paper and rubber.

CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries, is the point of reference in the area of metallic based additive manufacturing vis-à-vis EU policy-makers and contributes to the making of policy and regulations with a view to creating the right framework conditions for the development of metallic based additive manufacturing in the EU.

CECIMO launched in September 2014 its AM Working Group, involving their 15 member European national machine tool associations. Its main goal is to raise awareness on additive manufacturing by participating to related EU projects and worldwide standard bodies such as ASTM F42, which CECIMO recently joined as an organizational member.

More information can be found on www.3dprintingmaterialsconference.com and www.cecimo.eu/site/additive-manufacturing.