Toward environmentally conscious printed electronics

We discuss the potential of nanocellulose in the context of printed electronics, wearable sensors, and a specific showcase: the biodegradable wearable ECG patch. The utilization of nanocellulose as a sustainable material in printed electronics demonstrates a promising pathway toward environmentally conscious technology. By utilizing nanocellulose in the fabrication of printed electronics, the presentation highlights its role in eco-friendliness of processing and manufacture of electronic devices.

30-31 January 2025
12th edition

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Presented by Mohammad Behfar, Wearable technology specialist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

About Mohammad Behfar
He is an embedded electronics developer experienced in hardware-software co-design for biomedical systems including wearable devices, implantable sensors and Bluetooth-enabled gadgets for sensing and monitoring applications. Not limited to biomedical field, the scope of my work includes design of various application-specific embedded systems.

About VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
VTT is a visionary research, development and innovation partner for companies and society, and is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, we turn large global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.

Our strategy is to lead a path of exponential hope with science-based innovation
VTT’s purpose is to bring together people, business, science and technology, to solve the world’s biggest challenges, creating sustainable growth, jobs and well-being. We create systemic and technological breakthroughs that bring fundamental transformation and renewal to industries and societies. We always aim for impact together with our customers.

Our ambition is to bring exponential hope to a world that needs to deal with the climate crisis, achieve resource sufficiency, drive industrial renewal, provide safety and security, and enable good life for all.
For more information visit the website.

Mohammad Behfar will speak at the 2023 edition of the 3D Medical Conference.