Prosperos-II project toward smart implants for bone healing

PRosPERoS (PRinting PERsonalized orthopaedic implantS) is an Interreg research project within the field of bioactive implants. Developing the smart implant of the future. The Prosperos project aims to develop personalized, smart, biodegradable and 3D printable implants.

30-31 January 2025
12th edition

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A presentation by Chris Arts, Associate professor Translational biomaterialen at Maastricht UMC & Eindhoven University of Technology.

About Chris Arts
Dr. Chris Arts currently holds the position of associate professor in Translational biomaterials research at dept. orthopedic surgery at Maastricht University Medical Centre and dept. orthopaedic biomechanics Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e.

Spine research aims to develop a new methodology to operate scoliosis patients and offer them 3D deformity correction over time, spinal growth and preservation of spine mobility. furthermore we perform research on optimisation of spinal fusion surgery results by developing new biomaterials and design new 3d printed cages, see the website.

About Maastricht University Medical Centre+
Maastricht University Medical Centre+ is a partnership between Maastricht University Hospital and Maastricht University’s Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences.

We distinguish ourselves nationally and internationally by focusing not only on restoring people to good health but also on helping them stay healthy and improve their health. In addition to tertiary referral care and top clinical patient care, our core tasks are research, education and training, and valorisation. Maastricht UMC+ also provides basic healthcare services for the city of Maastricht and environs. This means that, in cooperation with our network partners, we are uniquely equipped to deliver healthcare services from baseline to tertiary level and thus offer precisely the right care where it is needed, but also to investigate the effects of new healthcare models. In our teaching, we take a multidisciplinary and problem-based approach that uses case histories to impart knowledge.

Our mission
Providing the best possible care and improving health in the region by integrating patient care, research, and education.

For more information visit the website.

Chris Arts will speak at the 2023 edition of the 3D Medical Conference.