Legal framework and legal issues when 3D printing medicinal products

In this presentation An Vijverman will explain the possible legal and regulatory qualifications of the 3D printed medicinal product (as well as of the different components of the 3D printing process, such as the 3D printer, the 3D printing software and the input material). She will also adress the obligations, liability and data protection issues as well as other difficulties when 3D-printing medicinal products.

30-31 January 2025
12th edition

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About An Vijverman
As a lawyer specialised in health law An Vijverman is a partner at the law firm Dewallens & partners.
Within medical law An specialises in the privacy protection of health related data, health technology (medical apps), life sciences (such as regulatory aspects of pharmaceutical and medical devices legislation, clinical trials and biotechnology) and RIZIV / INAMI procedures.
An is keen on publishing and lecturing about these topics. She teaches health law at Ehsal Management School and at Antwerp Health Law and Ethics Chair (Uantwerpen) and as a trainer she is attached to the European Centre for Clinical Research Training. She is a member of the editorial committee of the ‘Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht’

About Dewallens & partners
Dewallens & partners is a specialized law firm operating exclusively in healthcare. We combine knowledge in the dynamics of healthcare with state-of-the-art legal expertise. Our clients therefore can take position in healthcare faster and better than others in a context where network governance, shared health information and on-line caring communities have become inevitable.

Our lawyers have an outstanding academic track record. They have distinguished themselves on a scientific level and most of them are academically active in addition to their practice. They do both fundamental and applied research and they teach the various parts of health law at universities and business schools. We are convinced that the complexity of healthcare requires adaptive practised health law. We actively take part in building health law as a living organism. This is the first way we distinguish ourselves.

To offer a relevant service it is a strict necessity that our lawyers have true insight both into the strategic and the technological environment where they provide advice and legal assistance. That insight they have through their practical experience and by their involvement in governing bodies, professional associations, interest groups and in the government. This is the second way we distinguish ourselves.
For more information visit the website.

An Vijverman is speaker at the 2023 edition of the 3D Medical Conference.