Beyond mobile phone displays: Leveraging flat panel display technology for biomedical applications

Organ-on-Chips (OoCs) have emerged as a human-specific experimental platform for pre-clinical research and therapeutics testing that will (i) reduce the cost of pre-clinical drug development, (ii) provide better physiological relevance and (iii) replace animal testing. Yet, the lack of standardization and cost-effective fabrication technologies can hamper wide-spread adoption of OoCs.

30-31 January 2025
12th edition

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In this work we propose the use of flat panel display (FPD) technology as an enabling and cost-effective technology platform for biomedical applications by demonstrating facile integration and biovalidation of key OoC modules like microfluidics and micro electrode arrays (MEAs) in the standardized 96-multiwell plate format. Parallelized optical pH sensing is shown by combining our image sensor technology with a colorimetric pH sensitive coating integrated in a multiwell plate. All materials and processes used are FPD compatible, thus enabling reliable manufacturing at industrial scale.

presented by Albert van Breemen, Program manager Organ-on-Chip at Holst Centre.

About Albert van Breemen
Albert van Breemen received his Ph. D. degree in Organic and Polymer Chemistry from the University Hasselt, Belgium, in 1999. In that same year he joined TNO Science and Industry as Project Member in the Functional Polymers & Coatings department up to 2000, as Project Leader in the same department since 2001 responsible for the technical and scientific content of several large projects on plastic electronics, inorganic photovoltaics and self-assembly. Since 2007 he works at TNO Holst Centre, focusing on the use of flat panel display compatible technology for TFTs, memories, image sensors, X-ray detectors. In 2022 he became program manager of the Organ-on-Chip program.

About TNO at Holst Centre
Holst Centre is a research and innovation partner specialised in health technologies, flexible and wireless electronics, powered by the shared expertise of imec and TNO.

For more information visit the website.

Albert van Breemen will speak at the 2023 edition of the 3D Medical Conference.