Special Registration Rates for 3D Bioprinting Conference, Jan 26!

On January 26th, 2016, the 3rd edition of the 3D Bioprinting Conference will take place at MECC Maastricht, in The Netherlands.

Take advantage of the special registration rates if you are:

  • member of our Linkedin group
  • employee of Universities, Educational institutions, Schools and Research Institutes, including PhD and Post-doc students

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the first global event with focus on healthcare related 3D printing!

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The 3D Bioprinting Conference is part of the 3D Medical Expo that will take place at MECC in Maastricht, The Netherlands from 26th to 27th of January 2016.

3D Medical EXPO is a unique live platform with a focus on innovative companies in Scanning/Imaging, 3D Printing and (bio)Materials. Do you want to be a part of this? Find out all about the exhibiting possibilities here

The event will include a two-day exhibition and three other conferences besides the 3D Bioprinting:

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